Last update:
July 23rd, 2004
The first page I made with my own two typing fingers (no fancy Mario teaches typing for me!) was my manga page. It has been sorely neglected for updates and was even riddled with a few embarrassing errors. It is now mostly complete as I previously intended. For now, the update is just for the aiueo (Japanese order) page, but the others will come within the weekend. (Not more author bios though, sorry.) Also, just in case you wondering, I'm updating my blahg independent to this page, so I'll probably update it more frequently than here.
The updates are continuing! What page will get a makeover next? *giddy with ritalin anticipation*
Previous updates:
July 14th, 2004
I have sort of a replacement for the CQ, let's see how far this baby gets. It's the FUN FACT OF THE DAY™®©.
July 12th, 2004
Story page up, more journaling. It's your lucky day people (assuming something lucky happened).
July 11th, 2004
So, for part 83 of my assault on good taste, I present my shiny, new blog. Heck, I'll make it a contest. If anyone can tell what the entry "Tasting 123" is a reference to I'll shower you with gifts.
July 8th, 2004
I had the most extraordinary update planned out. It was simply breathtakingly amazing. Then I saw Teacher's Pet was out on video. I highly recommed everyone rent or perhaps buy this film. Normally I wouldn't shill for Disney, but anything that has Nathan Lane singing with Kelsey Grammer is worth promoting a souless corporation once.
In other news, I got 3 new romance novels. The hardest part was finding a pirate themed one. In any case, I could base a whole thing around their titles alone.
In still other news, well, actually mostly to do with the first news, I will have that update done by the end of the weekend. Unless a movie version of the broadway version of the movie version of the Producers comes out.
July 6th, 2004
Well, after a jolly little vacation, I'm ready to dive back into revamping the site. At least I will be ready by next week... or later...
Until then, might as well throw this out. It's page two of tLtRC, but I haven't gotten around to setting anything up, so it's just linked from here.
July 1st, 2004
Happy Birthday to us. la la la la la. we are a year old now. happy
birthday to us. To celebrate my beloved site's one year anniversary,
I completely ignored it and went out to Spiderman 2. That movie
is one giant Agent Smith melee. In any case, I'll probably give the site a makeover or something. We'll see what I get around to inbetween all the corpse disposal going on here. Patton makes a mother so horrified proud.
June 26th, 2004
Part 2 is up, in 3 parts no less. This is how much I love each and every one of you.
In story news, I hope to be putting another page of the oldschool story soon, and hopefully yet another. After that the illustrator can have his turtle back safe and sound.
June 22nd, 2004
In order to hide the fact that I can't seem to find that last romance novel and am trying to finish Stranger in a Strange Land which I got halfway into a months ago, then capriciously set aside... wait, what was this sentence about again?? Oh yes. In order to make up for the delay in part 2 of my fascinating microseries, I'm offering up my incomplete story news today. I plan to launch a new story. One you've absolutely never seen before. New as new can be. Or just flipped and bubbled, I forget. In any case enjoy M:tLtRC. Granted the site isn't finished, but it's good enough for a geocities page.
June 21st, 2004
Both part 2 of the romance article and my story news will have to wait a little longer. I still haven't read that Scandalous Lord book. You can blame that on a certain someone (you know who you are) sending the Davinci Code which was a bit of a page turner. I would blame The Joys of Yiddish but my fiction/nonfiction tastes don't merge so reading one won't affect how much of the other I read. Besides, you want I should not broaden my horizons? Oy. Eh, so I skimmed it mostly.
In any case, I've been away from the computer for a lot of the week, meaning anything I was planning on doing to the story pages ended up happening to the gunk under the stover burners. That's probably for the best anyways.
June 17th, 2004
If you were bored by my efforts the other day, you'll be doubly bored by my new ones. I have a lead in to a miniseries (mini as in there's an introduction and a conclusion). Really more of a microseries. In any event, now you can't say we haven't done our part to fight insomnia. Here is Part 1. Enjoy, and goodnight.
P.S. More story news soon. Stay tuned. Or not, since the news isn't
really that exciting.
June 15th, 2004
So I recently read my first romance novel. To make sure I got only the finest quality, I picked one at random about pirates. To share the joy of reading it with you, I summarized it to a 1 act, 7 scene playlette. It's rated Arrrr for language and adult situations. This Link Rated "M" for Mature.
This link edited for language. Still adult situations.
June 12th, 2004
Well, the procrastination is over, as well as the contest (the fabulous What's in the Bag? Contest). The other contest has been won as well, but I'll still leave it for a while for those of you who want a shot at it. If you don't know where the fabulous "What's in the Bag?" contest is located, it's in the first collumn of the front page, the link that says "STUNTS".
June 8th, 2004
How procrastination oriented am I? So much so that I started another contest before posting the results to the last one! You may have noticed the link from yesterday Also here. Guess what? The story makes no sense! But there is a definate answer that fits everything together. Email, IM, or phone in the correct answer and you will win a fabulous prize!! (I guarentee* it's not just a Doraemon comic in Chinese, which I failed to notice was in Chinese until after I bought it so I can't read a single bit of it).
*Not a guarentee
June 8th, 2004
I snuck another new story page on, but it's up to you to try and find it for now. I will provide a link to the first Auntie Heather's Bedtime Stories. Seriously my best writing yet. Enjoy!
June 6th, 2004
There's a winner of the "What's in the Bag?" contest. "SMC" has been disqualified for not spamming me more, so I will contact the winners and then post the results. I know you'd rather I work on the contest now, but I wasted my time on a new story page. Sorry folks, I can't cave into popular demand.
May 28th, 2004
It's your lucky day! The contest announced over in the previous update, is in fact still going for 2 more days. If you're wondering "What contest?" then you missed the "UPDATED" scrolling across the front page in the Secrets collumn, right below the stunts section for the past week. It's ok. I wouldn't trust that I'd updated either.
This update is really to announce my latest book lj, which inplausibly as well, has been updated.
May 28th, 2004
I would like to profusely thank all the entrants into the "What's
in the Bag?" Contest held on this site. The winner, by default since
they were the only ones to write in, was "Smc." with the
guess of " Ebay Auction Seminar - No Charge - Earn Big!"
No sillies, that's not what the guy had in the bag. Stay tuned to
find out the real answer. And Smc, please spam me back to collect
your prize!
May 23rd, 2004
What is everything else I'm supposed to be doing? Well, I'm glad you asked. I just registered two new domain names these past few months. One, should be resolving in a few days as, I'll be hosting it off Tantei Kid, and doing the maintenance, but fortunatley I don't have to do any writing. (Not a bad thing seeing as how I can't keep up writing one webpage, let alone 3). The other, which probably will not be up for a while, is It will hopefully feature some of the amazing photography that my grandfather did. I still have to hash out with everyone whether family photos should go up or not (or be password protected), how to host it. But most importantly, I need to aquire some of the photos. In any case, I want it to be a real top notch page, unlike some certain ones you're reading at this moment. So I think maybe a good projection date for a public launching might be next Febrary. In any case, if you have any suggestions about it be sure to write or any other mail address you think I'll randomly look through next.
I'm also chugging along on those record conversions, I just need a suitable work environment first. (Any day now, I swear). Plus I think they'll be a good subject for some writing, so stay tuned.
May 18th, 2004
So, did anyone notice I was gone? I'd wager not. In any case, it's become painfully clear to me that I can no longer feed the voracious appetite of this website. But don't fear, I'm not going to ignore the problem any longer. I've hired some extra writers to help me fill the gap while I catch up on everything else I was supposed to be doing. So let's all welcome my good friend Htog who met my stringent criteria for writers, (ie, she was willing to work for free).
April 12th, 2004
I'm thinking of putting the CQ on hold for just a bit. And while it's on hiatus doing a feature of what I dig out of boxes that have been sitting around since I was in firts grade. It'd get housed in the LJ space. I dunno. It just might be a motivation to get some sorting done.
In story news, there is a new page up, and hopefully from now on (until the end of chapter 1) it should pick up in frequency. After that I'll be working with the illustrator to revamp some pages (the end of chapter 6 springs to mind) and even some dialog. If you have any input, this is the time to in-put it!
March 25th, 2004
Another week, another CQ. There's also a story page to make up for the CQ's unfortunate one day tardiness. I know it caused no end of trouble to you, my valued reader, but I hope it wasn't too detrimental a setback.
In other news, I really have no excuse for not updating my LJ. I finished two good books this week. Don't feel jealous about tanteikid getting attention though. I haven't updated it for weeks now. Wheee, the capriciousness of it all.
March 17th, 2004
New section up, in case you didn't notice. It's just a reproduction of what I have up on Deviant Art, but for more sensitive viewers. So enjoy if you haven't already.
March 15th, 2004
It's a lazy, lazy day today. Staying up all night generally does that. Well, in any case, you can enjoy these images from Galaxy Express 999. Which happens to be the namesake of the rocket Dan's associated with. Despite being very famous it seems that Leiji Matsumoto could only draw thin blonde women and amorphous blobs. If I get the woman part down, there's hope for me as an artist after all! Or if you prefer to stick to good illustrations, a new story page did go up over the weekend. (Er, that was a comment about my drawing style, not Matsumoto's. His is adorable, honest.)
March 10th, 2004
Now, I don't wamt to alarm anyone, but I managed to get the CQ up today, in the morning even. I don't think this is an ill omen or anything, I think it has more to do with the fact that I woke up Monday thinking it was Wednesday. Then I woke up yesterday thinking it was Wednesday, if anything, this is Friday for me, so I'm right on my strict schedule of procrastination.
There's also a new story page coming very soon if I can manage to shake off the crippling effect that this had on my hand. Same usual deviant art warnings, I'm as safe as I'll ever be, the links are probably not.
March 9th, 2004
Sometimes the funniest jokes can be in jokes, but for most people they're worthless. Well, since I'm finally cleaning out all my old baggage I came accross a series of letters written as soap opera characters. I'm posting this for someone who's so busy they couldn't possibly be online at the moment (no, not you, you're reading this, the other person). If those of you who are here wish to read it, I'll give you a very sketchy overview of what this is about: Al is a little kid who keeps hearing his doll tell him to leave his home. Eh, never mind, it won't even be funny if I could actually tell you the whole context, but enjoy (to the person who isn't reading this).
p.s. if you who are here do end up reading it, my character is the one who misspelled everything, and how.
March 6th, 2004
A new LJ page is up, it's a tale of shame and abject despair that some litterary experts have likened to Coleridge's Rime of the Ancient Mariner. The CQ got put up Thursday, I'd change the deadline to that, but then you wouldn't be able to expect it until Friday.
What I have been working on is tanteikid. I'm up to 29 whole Story Arcs out of a 123 limit, so far. Hooray for me! My other time has been spent productively painting old celebrities using some of their photos for modified guidelines. If you want to know what I mean by modified, Cab Calloway is, for instance, now a woman. You can see it all here; though then again I warn that clicking on links (to other people's or general pages) will lead to evil nudity eventually. And sooner than later if you click a certain Mr. Grachakkla's....
March 1st, 2004
Well, the new story page went up Saturday. Other than that I've been busy launching Tantei Kid, and acctaully submitted it to anipike. After I get that project mostly stable, I'll be back here to do a little spring cleaning. Such as propperly archiving previous updates (and the CQ) and such. We'll see about what else I can do. Oh yeah, since I have a public site now, I'll finally be linking this one to the picture subdomain, so no more puzzling over that.
And no, I didn't get my lj up, but since I finally finished an actual book (Lizzard by Banana Yoshimoto) I can do one soon.
February 28th, 2004
So, I didn't get things up on time this week either. I have a good excuse I'm sure, maybe involving hard liquor and secret agents. Actually I was cleaning the apartment, but most of you will find the James Bond thing more believable...
In any case, the CQ is up, the final in the series of Simpsons Educational Month. I would have Black History month themed it, but I have to wait 'til they get later in the 60s and actually allow guests of color, for now the closest they can come is Al Jolson. I'm sorry, that was incredibly poor taste. And for the record, they do occasionally have black guests, just not black panelists, unless you count Peter Ustinov, but they probably didn't know his grandmother was Etheopian.
Well, dumb jokes aside, the other content, such as the lj and the story page, will be up this weekend, since I finally have time to read. In other news, A+ Carpet Cleaners are really more of a B- in my book. They promised men to move my furniture and a nice, dry carpet. Instead they send one skinny guy, and the carpet was soaked for hours. On the plus side, a third kitten's worth of hair was removed from our floor. I think we'll call it Fluffy.
February 23rd, 2004
Thank goodness for no promises last week, since well, the next page may be as long as this Wednesday. Could be later today, who knows? And I am caught up from last week's Celebrity Quiz and Journal Entry.
One reason for the delay is that I found out how (after a long struggle) how to set up the unused bedroom tv to work as a second monitor. A really poor quality monitor. The resolution is too poor for anything but my tv program, Media Center, which is what I was hoping to use it as. Media Center vehemently protests being used on the second monitor and is slow at times, but it's great for watching stuff while I'm doing other things. Normal people would use a "teevee" for this activity, but could they watch a recording?! Yes. With a VCR or Tivo. In any case, just let me have my hollow victory for now.
In other other news, I joined the Deviant Art community. I was inspired when I saw this awesome Link drawing that no one had complimented. There are usually a shortage of comments for some really great stuff out there. Of course by the time I joined up I realized that the drawing was by an artist that my illustrator (and everyone else) is a huge fan of and there were no shortage of compliments minutes after I first saw it. C'est la Vie. But Deviant Art did inspire me to do a drawing from "A Study in Scarlet". You can find my account here. I don't think I have anything you wouldn't want to see, but I can't say the same thing for links anywhere on the site (especially to certain illustrator's pages) so I'll eventually have the Sherlock drawing up somewhere else if you wish to err on the side of caution. If not, click away! Huzzah!
February 16th, 2004
So the world's gone topsy turvey and there's a new page up. Crazy talk you say? I just hope I can work my way through the writing before the next page is due. I'll try to get one up at least every Monday, but no promises.
February 13th, 2004
This week's stuff is up, and I think after a couple month break it's time to get back to writing the story. I just hope the rest will have done something for my writer's block. In the meantime, I have a valentine's day card that will be new to half the readers out there. (Hey, half of zero is still zero!!) Too much of a good thing. In any case if you want to see more story then let's hope I get a romantic Valentine's day to carry over the feeling into the work. I hope you have one too.
February 6th, 2004
So aside from the shocking news that they're releasing Conan under the title "Case Closed" and Amercanizing the names, I'm at least looking forward to the DVDs. In other news, I've decided to make my reading journal a regular Friday update. It seems to work well enough for the Celebrity Quiz. Besides that. I still have a looong way to go on Tantei Kid, so that's what I'll be up to in the meantime. Oh and speaking of the celebrity quiz, I thought I might make this month Simpsons joke education themed or something. If only I had a picture of Linda Laven (or someone who didn't deserve it)...
February 1st, 2004
IT'S ALIVE!! See if you can find the multitude of broken links (hint: it's almost all the characters not on the main character page). Let me know what you think.
February 1st, 2004
Tantei Kid is largely constructed now, and a small e-mail mix-up seems to be all that's keeping it from finally going up. Of course, the celebrity quizes have been regularly updated this past month, along with a new HCOOH entry for today. I'll be updating that more regularly as I get back into my normal reading schedule. Also, I'll see if my sabatical from the story has lifted the writer's block, or created more. Either way, I have high hopes for this month. Of course, the lack of updates may have driven all of you away, so we'll see.
January 14th, 2004
So, the Celeb Quiz is updated. I've been spending my time working
furiously to get Tantei Kid up and running. I just found that if
you're creating a long table in html, excel is the only way to go.
(especially if you have a lot of your information already in it).
The <td>s and <tr>s (and let's not forget the closing tags, people!) just go in the collumns around the information. and you can add more collums with virtually no problem! I have a feeling my wonderous "discovery" is kind of like someone independantly coming up with the wheel today, having never seen one. So if you've already heard of this, shake your head and move on. (Or if you don't know html, just ignore the whole paragraph). Either way, it's cut my busywork considerably, so I hope to be done much sooner than I planned. Then I'll return my attention to the rest of the site, honest.
January 8th, 2004
So many updates I haven't included. Mostly the quiz section, but
there is a new story page and some book entries. As for the rest
of my time, I've been spending it scanning. Some is baby albums
of a certain someone, others are Conan pics for my new URL that
will be going up soon. (it's if you want to see what
a standard placeholder page looks like). I'm trying to get it up
before February. It'll have the Conan stuff I intended to put up
here, plus some of my favorite photos from Japan (which I intended
to put up here as well...). Anyways, if you enjoyed any part of
the manga section here, you might enjoy it otherwise, stick to this
site and watch the eternal battle for which site gets updated.
December 8th, 2003
Has it really been so long? Well, I have been updating the Celebrity Quiz, as usual. I also added a new feature today. Just for you! Now you can see why I haven't updated anything important in a while. This is a once in a lifetime oportunity to waste 5 minutes! Lucky you!
November 26th, 2003
Remember when I said there'd be a story page soon? Well, that's what we call a bald-faced lie. But fear not, I am planning on working on it over thanksgiving break. As for the celebrity quiz, I updated it last week and now this week. Yes, although I'm in the savagely wild territory named Idaho, I fought my way to the lone computer in the state. It was tough fighting off the natives who were pounding it with rocks and donkey jawbones, but my board with a nail in it prevailed. Just so I could update the celebrity quiz on time. No need for thanks, the opportunity to exploit er, subjugate "enlighten" the natives was enough reward for me.
November 15th, 2003
Well, well, well. I just celebrated my 5th month wedding anniversary
and no one said it wouldn't last, so I can't gloat propperly, but
to celebrate, I finally put up some of the disposable camera pictures
on the site. Of course there's no link to the place for the pictures,
but if you don't know where they are and think you should, then
write . Allow 4-6 weeks for reply. No really,
I take that long to check my email (so if you have a faster way
to contact me, use that!), but maybe if more preople wrote I would
check more often...
In other news, there's a new story page coming sometime, I swear
November 12th, 2003
The new celebrity quiz is up. I usually have several pictures done
up ahead of time, so I wish I could say this week's was remarkable
timing. Unfortunately, I did it this morning, so no coincidence.
However, I'm making up a bunch more so if
something happens to next week's celebrity I might just get in on
that dead pool they have going.
I recently finished my first Steve Allen book, Reflections,
which contains some of his deep thoughts from over the years. The
best part was that the bibliography had 23 entries--18 of which
were by Steve Allen and one of the remaining 5 was a pen name he
used. I'm looking forward to reading the rest the library had and
then seeing if I can order some of the more interesting looking
ones through a book exchange. <Levar Burton>Remember kids,
reading opens up a magical world of wonder and whimsy! So Visit
your local library regularly.</Levar Burton>
November 9th, 2003
So I put a story page up on the first and the Celebrity quiz up on
the 5th, but I suspect that it doesn't matter that I didn't note that
here since I can't imagine anyone actually goes to this page. As a
matter of fact, my bandwidth stats indicate that no one has actually
ever visited any of my pages. But hey, I'm just doing this to please
the voices in my head, and to thwart my evil future self, who incidentally
hid my tablet pen for a week, thus the lateness of the page I posted
today. Don't worry though, I won't let her win until I'm her, but
who knows what even more evil me will come back in time to interfere
then! In any case 01-10-03 is up. Enjoy! It may be the last one I
can sneak up...
October 31st, 2003
New story page up. Even though it's halloween themed (so poorly colored it's scary), I'm pretending it goes up tomorrow. So I'm a day ahead. Huuzah. On with the scary story reading (not for all readers!!)!
October 30th, 2003
The gameshow network giveth, the gameshow network taketh away. Well, here I was singing the praises of the new, improved black and white overnight and in one week they chop it down to one hour instead of two. I could be extra pissed, but it looks like I've Got a Secret will be shown some next week. A trade off is better than nothing. And on to things people might acutally care about... story page 01-10-01 is up. Sayonara fancy backgrounds!
October 29th, 2003
Celebrity quiz is up. More quality control issues on the next page, but they've been resolved and are due to be updated sometime in the next millennium. Huzzah!
October 23rd, 2003
Aparently my attention span is so small that a "quality control break," (doublespeak for I'm sick of this for now) lasted about 5 hours. So the new page is all ready. Technically it's a cover page rather than a "real" page, but I hope it's purdy enough to make up for lack of story. Plus the title is actually part of the "dialog" so it counts, I guess. Anyhow, I'd love feedback on this one so feel free to contact me this one time. So lonely.
October 22nd, 2003
The Celebrity quiz is up today and it even has an update to go with
it. So it's up. the cover/first page of part 10 is coming along nicely,
but drawing in 2000 books is a lot of work, and so I'm taking a small
quality control break, entirely for my dear readers' benefit, before
I polish it up. Right now I'm working on other things like reigning
in my dvr-ms files. Even the reasonably sized ones can be trouble.
I'm also working on getting the series pages up for the merchandise.
No more empty links for me eventually!
October 19th, 2003
The Celebrity did go up on the 15th, I was just too lazy to write
an update. This week those wonderful, wonderful people at game
show network made me the happiest girl on earth. Instead of cramming
an extra half hour worth of diet drug commercials into their "Black
and white overnight" block, they decided to add a fourth show to the
two hours. Hooray for Password! Hooray for Betty White's husband!
Hooray for me no longer having to get up at 3:50 if I want to see
Secret recorded properly!! To celebrate the momentous end to DVR-MS
files too big to fit on a CD, I've been slowly hacking away at the
extra 14 gigs of the remainder on my hard drive. While this either
makes no sense to you or bores you immensely or both, it's a very
liberating thing for me. So to celebrate I found time inbetween all
the hard drive scrubbing to post page 01-09-10. Now I have to get
back to windexing my floppies* and my creepy hobby collecting pictures
of long dead stars.
*WARNING: not really a good idea. Use pine-sol instead
October 14th, 2003
I can't put my finger on it, but something's different around here...
There's something. I don't know... Well, until I figure it out, there's
a preliminary Conan page, an actual screentone page, a preliminary
merchandise page with unlinked content here.
As for the links to the series pages from that, none of them are up
or made yet, so don't be surprised if "More X merchandise" leads to
a shiny, new 404 page. In other news, I should have more updates this
week. Whether it's anything beyond the quiz is up to tactics.
Hallelujah, story page 01-09-09 is up!
October 8th, 2003
Well, this celebrity quiz seems to be what's keeping the site going at the moment. I've hit a rather sad creativity lull lately. My illustrator, however, is going stronger than ever on his site...
Anyways, it seems we managed to actually use 70mb last month, so huzzah!
I promise to have a new story page up soon, I ran into a bit of dialog
trouble that's hopefully over now. Also I have wild plans for all
sorts of other updates, let's just see how many I can bring to fruition
before I get distracted by a shiny object (a shiny square object that
has a game called Tactics advance in it...).
October 1st, 2003
30 days hath September, and holy cow, where'd they all go? Any update plans I had for the end were interrupted by an unfortunate bout of creativity resulting in the completion of mapping out Chapter one of the story. I'm sorry to let hack writing divine inspiration get in the way of everything else on the site.
Except for the celebrity quiz, that is, which I thoughtfully prepared ahead for. Tomorrow I'll be ready to tell you 5 regulars how much bandwidth we managed to eat up, not too much I'm guessing. It's almost like I didn't put up much content this month, funny...
'Tis a new month. Either that or my evil future self stole my updates, I wouldn't put anything past her. After all she's all smug about having known my husband for 15 years when I've only known him for 11. I'll get her one of these days...
Even more previous updates: